Caption-A-Card #1: Sage Alexander Radojevic RC

"Two words? Three.. Chicken? Alek, are you sure the home crowd is gonna want to do this during halftime instead of watching the cheerleaders?"
- Magmaman

Owwwww!! Who the heck switched my deoderant with mace????
- Brad Sparkes

Only missed it by this much!
- Richard King

"I wish I had one of them old ABA afros that come out to about here!!!!"
- Jim E

I'm a little teapot
short and stout
Here is my handle
here is my spout
- Davery

"I wish I were Barry Bonds because, if I were, I'd wear earrings out to here!"
- Epix78

"I can't believe that this photographer doesn't know that this pose means 'F**K YOU' in Russia.

White men can't jump? Damn! Maybe if I flap real hard...
- Jay Koenig

It's fun to stay at the Y--M--C--A!
- J & D

"Who's your Daddy?"
- Rattlehead

In case Bob Knight ever approaches me, I learned this choke prevention technique in Tae-Bo.
- Jay Koening

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